Finding time to write…when you don’t have time.

I know, I know. You’re busy! Really, I don’t know anybody who isn’t. Our lives are crazy, aren’t they? The day-to-day can really divert us from where we want to go. I thought it would be a good idea to offer a few handy tips for those folks who really yearn to write that book. Today is tip #1. Sit in the chair. I know you have five or ten minutes to spare today, so glue yourself into that chair and make a list of the story ideas that have been kicking around in your brain. Mine might look something like this:

Swamp, jewel smuggling operation, brother and sister pilots.

It’s not much, is it? It’s enough though, to get me started thinking about the type of story I might want to write. Okay. Now that your five minutes is done, feel free to walk about the cabin, so to speak, but while you’re meandering through your day, think about your main characters. We’ll talk more about them in the next post.

Have you always wanted to write a book? What genre would you most like to write?Christmas gift

11 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Suzan Michet on December 17, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    For me, I think I have 1 book in me (unlike you !) that would be a Christian fiction set in Cobourg, just past the end of world war II.



  2. I needed to hear this today 🙂



  3. I’d like to write contemporary fantasy. Most of my work falls into that genre.



  4. I’d like to write a drama about a cynic who hates everybody.



  5. Dana, I’ve had three novels in progress for years! My problem is that when I do sit in the chair and at the computer, something else always demands my time – email, personal records I keep, keeping up with the ACFW courses so i can learn more about how to write those three books! it never ever ends. I tell myself every year i’m going to discipline my time to actually schedule in some writing time. Maybe 2014 will be the year! Thanks for tip #1!



    • I understand, Patti. Back in the day when people clonked away on typewriters, there were fewer techno distractions. Sometimes it helps to give yourself a little time window such as “I’m going to sit here and write for fifteen minutes without doing anything else.” It’s amazing how much writing you can accumulate that way!

      Sent from my iPad




  6. Posted by Terri on December 7, 2013 at 8:58 pm

    I need to finish the edits on my suspense book.



  7. Posted by mary branahm on December 7, 2013 at 7:17 pm

    I would probably write a suspense book.



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