Quiz…Which Disney Ride Suits Your Personality?




It’s that time again. Summer vacation! As a third grade teacher, I’m privy to all the neat plans of my soon-to-be fourth graders. Trips to India! Hawaiian adventures! Camping trips and days at the beach! Woo hoo! Personally, I’m a homebody. I’d rather be hosting a backyard barbecue for my family than hopping on a plane, so the writing biz is perfect for me! Fictional adventures are right up my alley and I’ve “traveled” everywhere from Guatemala to the arctic tundra.

I found a fun quiz you all might enjoy if you’re a fan of that most amazing vacation destination, Disneyland. Take the quiz (ignore the ads) and post your results. We’re giving away a signed book and a July surprise this month. If you’d like to share your summer vacation plans, I’d love to hear that, too!


19 responses to this post.

  1. I got “It’s a small World”. Pretty appropriate since I travel all over the world with my husband for his work. In fact we are half way through 4 weeks in Warsaw, Poland, after a week in Budapest, Hungary. The end of July will be taking us to Asia and who knows where August will take us. And everywhere is usually for 4 weeks. Life is always an adventure with us! 😀



  2. Posted by Kim Hampton on June 15, 2015 at 9:08 pm

    I got Jungle Cruise! I don’t have any major summer vacation plans. We’ll try to go camping if my husband has a weekend off. Going to attend a bluegrass festival next week.
    myfacebookemail23 at yahoo dot com



  3. Posted by susanmsj on June 9, 2015 at 1:40 pm

    I got Jungle Cruise.



  4. Posted by Kathy Sinn on June 9, 2015 at 3:40 am

    I’m Pirates of the Caribbean. Hope Johnny Depp is on board!

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Small World for me, which I do enjoy although I wish there was a little more variety in that song. Actually a lot more variety.

    Home in Alaska this summer, which, if it ever stops raining, will be lovely. In the meantime, a never-ending list of house projects will keep us busy.



  6. Posted by Suzan Michet on June 8, 2015 at 10:00 pm

    Hmm, not so sure about the “accuracy” of this quiz … I got Star Tours which makes me nauseous. Am guessing I’m more of a It’s a Small World, as I have made people go on that ride I love it so much !



  7. Posted by Pat on June 8, 2015 at 6:53 pm

    Its a Small World.  As for my summer plans, not much other than staying home with my family, cook-outs, making homemade ice cream, BBQ ribs, traveling back to our home town to visit family that can’t travel any longer.  Mostly filling my days with books, good music and more books.  The best part will be spending time with my grandchildren when they come over.   From: Fiction 4 Writers and Readers To: pattysdream@yahoo.com Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 9:03 AM Subject: [New post] Quiz…Which Disney Ride Suits Your Personality? #yiv1573292622 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv1573292622 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv1573292622 a.yiv1573292622primaryactionlink:link, #yiv1573292622 a.yiv1573292622primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv1573292622 a.yiv1573292622primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv1573292622 a.yiv1573292622primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv1573292622 WordPress.com | dana mentink posted: ”  It’s that time again. Summer vacation! As a third grade teacher, I’m privy to all the neat plans of my soon-to-be fourth graders. Trips to India! Hawaiian adventures! Camping trips and days at the beach! Woo hoo! Personally, I’m a ” | |



  8. My Results: It’s A Small World
    “You enjoy discovering the world around you. A constant dreamer, your imagination is one of your greatest assets. Your kindness and love towards others, and your ability to envision a better world are greatly appreciated. Just don’t forget to take your head out of the clouds every once in a while, depart from Fantasyland, and enjoy all the fun around you.”

    My summer vacation will mostly be spent at home– I’m okay with that. My mom is recovering from a blood clot in her leg, so our family doesn’t have any vacations planned until this fall. So, it’ll likely be plenty of reading & lounging in the sunshine for me! 🙂



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