I’m a professional writer…have you seen my socks?



I recently read a swell interview from a multi-published romance writer. She shared her writing routine which involves entering her office (complete with walls and a door) and exiting only for lunch and at 6 p.m., the end of her day. Such is the life of a professional writer…but it’s not my life, to be sure, and right now, I wouldn’t want it to be.

First, my “office” is plopped in the middle of the living room between the box turtle and a treadmill. It doesn’t have walls, except in my imagination (kind of like Les Nessman from WKRP if you remember him.) It’s a laptop, some file drawers and a bazillion sticky notes.

Second, I’ve got two teenage daughters so my “uninterrupted” writing time is often bisected by questions like, “Mom, have you seen my socks?” or trips to the craft store for poster board, or vet visits for sick parakeets or church related meetings or fitness walks with my husband.

So how do I get three books written a year? I get up extremely early and I do it every day (except Sundays.) I work in fits and starts, between the needs of my children, my husband, my church and everything else. Is it the best way for a “professional writer” to use their time? Probably not, but at this point in my life it’s the only way I can manage.

Soon enough my children will be grown, and they won’t need me to find their socks and shuttle them around, but at the moment, I will cheerfully  sacrifice my efficiency. There will be time later when my house is sadly quiet and I will be able write for hours at a stretch, but for now, fits and starts will do.

How do you handle interruptions? What things do you struggle to balance in your daily life? Giving away a Starbuck’s card and TWO signed books this month!

10 responses to this post.

  1. I laughed at the memory of Les Nessman of WKRP fame and his desire for an office with walls. I sometimes say I want that but I always gravitate to the kitchen to work so that must say something about my desire to stay in the thick of things while working. I have come to accept the fact that most of the time any lack of productivity is within me rather than in the outer environment (i,e. interruptions). I discovered this when I realized that I could write through just about anything when the muse was with me – including a few things I should have stopped to notice. Ah well, we do what we can.



    • So true, Francis. Lack of productivity is definitely more of a problem with the writer than the environment. When I start to get whiny, I just think of J.K. Rowling writing little bits of her book on coffee shop napkins!

      Dana Mentink award winning fiction author http://www.danamentink.com




      • Great post, thank you. I am learning the art of ” fits and starts” lol. We own several businesses and I can run them remotely from my home so you would think that I technically would have all day to write. But, no. I have learned in the past week that I have to be done before 830 am so that I can have peace and quiet before the demands of my dog, husband, and employees come through. Not to mention that blessed cell phone. Ha! We all have a schedule that works for us. Just figure it out and stick with it!


      • I completely understand!

        Dana Mentink award winning fiction author http://www.danamentink.com



  2. I have “voice” caller I.D., so I only answer the phone if it’s my husband, daughter, mother or important. We are empty-nesters, our only daughter left for a career opportunity up north last year, but I swear I speak to her more via phone, I-message, facetime, text, etc., than when she lived under our same roof. In fact she just called me a few minutes ago!!
    I struggle to be motivated to exercise most days. I have to do it in the morning or I won’t do it at all, so I find myself procrastinating instead of getting it over with as early as possible. I never seem to have enough time to get things done, and I am not even a writer. I admire writers because you must all have to be somewhat disciplined to focus on your writing. As a reader, I appreciate your hard work that brings me so much joy!!



  3. My biggest obstacles are my job, and my daily walk. I like to walk for 2 hours a day in the summer (I’m really bad at remembering to exercise, and I’ve found walking works for me), and then I have to actually, you know, make money to pay the bills. I work from home, so if I do creative writing in the morning when I wake up, I don’t start my job until later in the day and don’t get as much done as I want. If I save my creative writing for the evening, I’m so exhausted from working all day plus the walk that I have trouble summoning the energy to get my creative juices flowing. I haven’t figured out the solution yet, but I know it’s out there 😀



  4. I stay up late or get up early as well when I need or want to get things done without interruptions and even when your children are grown (mine are in their 30s) the will always need you – so don’t think the interruptions will stop!!



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