Posts Tagged ‘Nearing Home’

The bitty book review blurb, Nearing Home, by Billy Graham

Billy Graham, Nearing HomeThis is a review one of the books I recommended at the California Women’s Retreat this month, condensed into a nice bitty blurb for busy bees.

There are a ton of books about how to stay married, how to raise kids, how to encourage a faith filled family, but Nearing Home, by Billy Graham is unique in that it focuses on the post retirement years. Billy Graham gives his perspective on “finishing well.” By this he means not just surviving the trials of aging and retirement, but how to make the most of our life in Christ during those years. He doesn’t sugar coat it, addressing his own physical failings and the impact of the loss of his beloved wife. I found it to be a much needed treatment of how to run the race all the way to the finish line.