Is YOUR fear on America’s top ten list? Tell, if you dare!

mysterious eyes

As a suspense writer, I am constantly drafting scenes where people are terrified. There is a lot of material to pull from, because everyone has something that scares the beejeebers out of them. Personally, I’m afraid of the dark. There, I’ve admitted it. When Papa Bear is out of town, I leave the lights on. Ridiculous, really, but there you are. According to a Gallup poll, I’m not alone. There are certain common fears that many Americans experience. Here are the top ten:

1. snakes

2. public speaking

3. heights

4. being trapped in a closed space

5. spiders and insects

6. needles/getting shots

7. mice

8. flying on an airplane

9. dogs

10. thunder and lightning

*then crowds, going to the doctor and fear of the dark.


This month is zooming by! How’s that for scary? Giving away a triple prize (signed book, amazon gift card, fall surprise) on October 31st! All comments get you entered in the drawing. πŸ™‚ Β 


19 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Sarah Postma on October 30, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    My fears are definitely on this list. I have a fear of heights, I don’t like to talk in front of people, mice, snakes, and more.



  2. I can’t believe some of my fears are not even on the list.
    Some of my fears have come from life experiences. Two years ago, at two in the morning, a big oak tree limb fell on our house. I can still hear the sound the branch made as it split and fell. I’m afraid of tornadoes, but that may fall in the category with thunder and lightning. I’m afraid of being sexually attacked which men probably never have a second thought about. Lastly, earthquakes. There was a small one here in Georgia a few years ago that lasted maybe a 3 seconds. That was long enough for me.



    • I can believe you have fears after that tree fell on your house! How terrifying! Earthquakes are scary, I can vouch for that. I remember vividly how the street was rolling up and down during the Loma Prieta quake. Thanks for the comment!

      Dana Mentink award winning fiction author




  3. Posted by Suzan Michet on October 28, 2014 at 5:38 pm

    #4 for sure. Have worked through some of the others, like #2 & #8.



  4. Posted by susanmsj on October 28, 2014 at 12:29 pm

    #5 is mine. If it has more than 4 legs, I don’t want it near me. The others don’t bother me too much.



  5. Posted by Valri Western on October 27, 2014 at 11:23 pm

    I also have a fear of being bitten by dogs! It happened to me once when I was out walking and now I always have a fear that it will happen to me again! Like Pat mentioned, I have a similar fear of high bridges! I don’t have a fear of heights but if I drive over a VERY high bridge, my heart starts beating very fast had it doesn’t stop until I reach the other side! It’s funny because my father is a civil engineer who specializes in building bridges so I grew up with bridges but those that are really high, just scare me when I drive over them!



  6. I must fear going to the doctor because whenever I go my blood pressure goes up!! Also, I don’t like feeling confined. As much as I like IKEA, I can’t stand the layout of the store because you have to go through the entire store to get out and I start feeling panicky like I’m trapped in there. We went for one item and it took forever to follow the signs to the exit. Sheesh!!



  7. Posted by Chris on October 27, 2014 at 5:12 pm

    My biggest fear is being mauled by a pack of dogs. If I would spot a dog roaming without a leash, while I’m out walking, I would detour several blocks out of my way, just to avoid the dog; and I would be shaking like a leaf.



    • Oh dear. That must be a terrible feeling. I actually feel similarly when I see a huge flock of birds! I think it started when I saw the Alfred Hitchcock movie. Thanks for the comment!

      Dana Mentink award winning fiction author




      • Posted by Pat Moore on October 27, 2014 at 5:43 pm

        Dana, I was about 12 or 13 when I saw the movie The Birds. It was spring time and there was a tree right outside my bedroom window. The sound of birds chirping outside my window scared me right out of sleep. I know how you what you mean.

        My deepest fear is of things like bridges. I’m not afraid of heights but of the bridge dropping away beneath me. The Seven Mile Bridge scared me half to death the first time I went to Key West. That was before the new bridge was built. I was driving (no one in the car knew how scared I was) on that narrow two lane bridge in a large car and I had to pass a loaded eighteen wheeler. I you stuck your hands out of either window you could either touch the truck or the bridge. Depending on which side of the car you were sitting on. The first time we went over it my husband was driving. We had only been married 2-3 years and that’s when he found out about my fear of bridges. You can’t close your eyes and hold your breath for seven miles. lol I try to conquer that fear by going across bridges that make me super nervous. High narrow bridges are the worst.


      • Oh man, Pat, I can relate. I always imagine being blown off the side of the bridge and into the water! Horrifying!

        Dana Mentink award winning fiction author



  8. Two of the fears are ones I use in my work in progress. Knowing fears of the general public is good for authors! My fear is “Fear of Man”, like fearing to confront another.
    That’s not the type on your list, though.



  9. Posted by Lynsay on October 27, 2014 at 2:56 pm

    my two major fears are on there. my biggest one is needles/getting shots and then public speaking. Hated having to do that for classes and even taking a public speaking class because it was required.

    I love how my mom’s fear is the #1 fear. it’s the reason I can’t have a snake as a pet.



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