A six legged hero tops the fiction list!



Can you guess a title from the Telegraph’s best childrens book of all time list? The list has wardrobes and tollbooths, Pooh bears and hobbits, but the number one, top of the list is a book with an insect as the protagonist. I refer, of course, to Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White.

You know you’re a great author when you can make a spider into the most beloved hero of all time. Spiders…that universally despised creature that people are generally trying to splat or run away from. So what kind of an author can take an insect, give it intellect, compassion and more humanity than the human characters? E.B. White, of course. Can you think of any other books where an insect outshines the humans?

My favorite quote from this amazing author? “Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.”

Did you ever read Charlotte’s Web or another book from the list as a child? What made it memorable in your mind? Giving away an Amazon gift card and a book this month! 🙂


11 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Suzan Michet on May 4, 2015 at 3:01 pm

    I’ve read 18 of the 21st. I was pleased to see “From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Franweiler” on the list as I find many people don’t know it. I’m digging more into the history of Laura Ingalls Wilder … what started me was when it was pointed out that my beloved childhood books were in the “fiction” section not non-fiction as I had always assumed they were.



  2. Posted by Patrice P. on April 30, 2015 at 3:05 am

    I have read many of the books on that list, including Charlotte’s Web, Little Women and The Little House on the Prairie. Seeing that list brings back fond memories.



  3. Lots of really good books on the list! Some I’ll need to get from the library to read.
    Laura Ingalls Wilder’s writing is what I aspire to–it is simple, clear, and compelling.
    Many of the books I read only as an adult. The Long Winter I read when it was snowing, and it made me shiver!



  4. Posted by Valri Western on April 13, 2015 at 11:27 pm

    I’ve read 14 on the list! Some of them I’ve never heard of which surprised me because all my life I’ve been a reader and my mom was a teacher! My kids have read a lot of those books when they were younger also. Two of my daughters are teachers now and they encourage their students to read all the time!



  5. Posted by Kim Hampton on April 13, 2015 at 10:51 pm

    I’ve read most of the books on this list. My absolute favorite was “Little House on the Prairie.” I would read Laura’s descriptions of life with her family and wish I could be her sister!



  6. I loved Charlotte’s Web, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Little Women



  7. I’ve read all but three of those listed in the top 21. I pretty much lived in the library as a child. My school librarian saved books back for me when new ones came in. I think I read almost all the books they had. But that’s not saying much. It was a 12×12 room that probably was a closet that the school renovated. 🙂 BTW, I loved a book that references Charlotte’s Web. Sixth Grade Secrets by Sachar. Read it?



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